Thinking  of selling a single bottle or a collection ? We're always interested in purchasing  antique bottles in all catogories,  especially if their from California, Nevada or Oregon.


We're serious well established long time collectors interested in purchasing West Coast bottles: singles or collections. Check with us first before you sell so your not disappointed later.

Simply e-mail us: lou@oldwestbottles.com  with a list or pictures of what you have.


Especially interested in the following:



Wm. Goppert & Son, A. Cappelli & Co Bottle Beer, Jacob Denzler, Deucher & Kalben, M.Kreiss Redwood City, H. Metzler, Philadelphia Bottling Larger Beer Lang Bros., A & R Postel, C.D. Postel, Preble & Jones, Swan Brewery XXX Ale, D. Tweedie Red Hand, U.S. Bottling Rapp & Debarry, U.S. Larger Beer J.B. Cuneo, Viking Brewing, Wiener Bottling 914 Ellis St., Nick Zuck.



A T & Co, Alex Von Humboldt's, Bennet's Wild Cherry, Dr. Boerhaave's, Bryant's, J.G. Frisch California, M. Keller Los Angeles, Hierapicra Fig, Catawba Wine, Cassin's Grape Brandy, Chalmer's Catawba Wine, Circassian Tonic, Crown Celebrated, Cunderango, Excelsior, German Balsam Watson, Grand Prize, Dr. Thos. Halls, Dr. Harvey's Blood, Dr. Hauseman's German, Dr. Henley's Eye Opener, Dr. Henley's Wild Grape Root IXL, O.K. Bitters, Hibernia Braunschweiger & Bumstead, Dr. Hosttetter's (green only), Jewel Bowman, Lacours Sarsapariphere, E.G. Lyons Manufacturers, Mack's Sarsparilla, Mills A.M. Gilman, Dr. Millers Ratafia, Mohica Roth & Co, Old Man's Sass, Orizaba J. Maristany, Peruvian Wilmerding, Stockton's Port Wine, Dr. Renz's Herb, Rosenbaums N.B. Jacobs, Salutaris, G.A. Simon's Medicated Aromatic, Swiss Alpine, Turner Brothers, V. Squarza, Widemann & Chappas or Chappaz, Dr. Wonser's U.S.A. Indian Root, Wormser Bros.


A.P. Brayton, Baker & Cutting, Cutting & Co., Pacific Glass Works, San Francisco Glass Works, P.D. Code, Collins Wheaton & Luhrs S.F.,





Azule Seltzer, Babb & Co., Bay City Soda, B&G, H&G, Boley & Co, H. Brader, Breig & Schafer, Bremkampf & Regli, W.H. Burt, California Natural Seltzer Water, California Soda Works, Owen Casey, C C & B,



N. Ahrens Bottled By, Barry & Patten Montgomery St., John S Bowman Jewel, Wm. H. Spears Old Pioneer, Bear Grass Braunscheiger & Bumsted, Henry Campe, R.T. Carroll, F. & P.J. Cassin Golden Plantation, Columbian F. Cavagnaro, Jockey Club G.W. Chesley & Co.,  F. Chevalier, William Cline Grocer, Kentucky Gem T.G. Cockrill, S.P. Collins, Wheeland & Collins, E. Commins, Choice Old Cabinet Crane Hastings, Copper Distilled Cedar Valley, J.H. Cutter, J.F. Cutter, Millers Extra E. Martin, O.P.S. A.P. Hotaling, P.M.S.S. Bottled By, A.P. Hotaling Portland, Ore. & P.S. & Puget Sound, J.C. Nixon Seattle W.T., Denaveaux & Maison, Buffalo Old Bourbon Sacramento, The Elite Kearny St., Evans & O' Brien Stockton, Fleckenstein & Mayer Portland Oregon, J. Frahetta San Rafael, Golden Eagle, Goldtree Bros. San Luis Obispo, N. Grange Pacific Coast & Sansome St., H.J. Grauerholz, Kane, O' Leary Bush St., Old Judge Gruenberg, Newmark Gruenberg, M. Gruenberg & Co., M. Rothenberg & Co. (embossed rooster), S.B. Rothenberg Old Judge, J. Gundlach Wines & Brandies, Extra Kentucky J. Hahn & Co., Hall Luhrs Snow Flake, Our Choice Brickwedel, Hilbert Bros. Wine & Liquor Merchants, Hildebrandt Posner, Laurel Crown Wm. Hoelscher, Log Cabin Kuhls Schwarke, J. Moore or Durham E. Chielovich, Laurel Palace J.G. Kahman, Lee Valley, Pride Of Kentucky Livingston, Livingston's Blackberry Brandy, W.A. Gains, MacFarlane Honolulu, Marx & Jorgensen Wine & Whiskey Merchants Portland, McLeod & Fauss, St. Catherine Mineral Water Astor House, G.O. Blakes Pond or More Reynolds, G.H. Clarks Samuel More, California Club House Morrison Sac St., Phoenix Bourbon or Whiskey, Naber, Alfs & Brune Liquor Dealers, Palmtag & Bernhart Hollister, Pedro, Renz Blackberry Brandy, Bonanza J. Renz, Perfection R. Ruben & Son Fresno, Rosedale O.K. Siebe Bros., Tea Kettle or Tea Cup or Golden Pony Shea Bocqueraz & McKee, Simmond's Nabob Pure, Spruance & Stanley, C.W. Stuart's Extra, United We Stand C.J. Stubling Dalles, S.T. Suits Walker Bros., Louis Taussig Battery Street, Thos. Taylor Importers Virginia N., Thos. Taylor Vollmers, Thistle Dew, Barkhouse Bros. Gold Dust John or N. Van Bergen, Old Woodburn N. Van Bergen, Weil Brothers Wine & Liquor Merchants, Standard Old bourbon Weil Bros., Old Gilt Edge Wichman Lutgen, McKennas Nelson County, S.H.M. Superior Old Bourbon, United We Stand Wilmerding, Kellogg's, Hard To Beat Loewe Bros., John Wolf, Wolf Janes, Wolf Wreden, Wolters Bros Front or California St.


AAA Old Valley Whiskey, S. Adolph Salem O, J. Angeli & Co, The Arlington Bakersfield, John S. Bowman Old Comet Bourbon S.F., John S. Bowman Old Jewel Bourbon S.F., F. Brassy Old Bourbon San Jose, H. Brickwedel & Co., Old Bourbon Castle Whiskey F. Chevalier & Co. Sole Agents, J.F. Cutter Extra Old Bourbon, J.H. Cutter Old Bourbon E. Martin & Co. Sole Agents, Cutter C.P. Moorman A.P. Hotaling S.F., J.H. Cutter Portland O, A.P. Hotaling & Co. Portland Oregon, Millers Extra Old Bourbon E. Martin & Co., John Ferguson A.B.C. House S.F., Fleckenstein & Mayer Portland Oregon, Gilman Walker & Co. 224 Front St. S.F., Goudie & McKlevy Pepper Tree Saloon San Pedro Cal, C.N. McKlevy San Pedro, The Genuine Old Bourbon Whiskey N. Grange Sole Agent for Pacific Coast, The Genuine Old Bourbon Whiskey S.F., Hildebrant Posner & Co S.F., Jesse Moore & Co. Louisville Bourbon & Rye Moore Hunt & Co. Sole Agents, Kane O'Leary 221 & 223 Bush St. S.F., King & Lowry Butte, Mont., Non Pareil Kolb & Denhard San Francisco, Lilienthal & Co. S.F.,


©2022 Tuesday, October 22, 2024